Selecting the paver colors for your Brookline and Lexington, MA Areas patios can be confusing with so many choices available. How can you know which patio pavers will give you the patio aesthetic you want? Here is how paver contractors decide what colors will work best in your unique landscape.
Stand out or Blend
One of the first decisions you will make with a paver contractor will be whether you want your patio to stand out from the design and colors of your home or to blend with the surrounding space. Choosing patio pavers that are one to two shades lighter than the exterior paint colors can let your pavers blend with the entire outdoor space. Darker-toned pavers will stand out against the look of your house to create a space that is noticeable.
A New Space or Addition
When you are planning an entirely new patio, the options are numerous for pavers but you will still need to choose the main paver color and select the border paver colors and the central design pavers if you choose to incorporate those. A paver contractor can customize your patio in any way you prefer when starting from scratch.
If you are adding onto an existing patio, they will suggest a paver that closely matches the color, size, and shape of the original patio. You can also choose to have a darker color or lighter toned paver for the addition which works well when you are adding another feature such as a fire pit or fireplace. In this instance, the different patio paver colors can signal a change in function.
Sunny or Shady
When the patio sits in the sun most of the day versus when it is shady can also have an impact on the paver color choice. A sunny patio can look great with pavers in the same tone as the house colors while a shady patio can benefit from a lighter colored paver to counteract the shade. Ultimately, the choice will be what you love most but a paver contractor can offer expertise and suggestions on choosing the best paver for each situation.
Monochromatic or Colorful
Do you want to see a patio surface with an even tone and no variations? A paver contractor can show you how to achieve that look with patio pavers in a uniform tone. When you want a patio with tone variations and color changes such as a variety of earth tones, they can direct your selection to pavers that achieve the mottled changes.
Many times when your home’s exterior has many details and interesting features, a simple patio surface color can look best while a simple home exterior can carry the busyness of a paver surface with multiple tones of the same color.
Textures Affect Color
Another consideration can be to choose a textured or smooth patio paver since texture can affect the way the color looks on the patio surface. Because of the varying height of the paver surface, the way the sun shines on the pavers can cause tone changes.
A skilled paver contractor can help you decide your paver colors to maximize the appearance of your outdoor space with the look of your home. They can help with borders, central designs, and transitions between spaces to give your patio a seamless beauty.